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Dream 2 - The Tree


I had this dream around early September 2021…it went like this:

On a bright cool sunny day, I am walking outside in what looks like a park setting of some sort. I look down at the ground and see soft white dirt, almost like gravel but more a mix of pale dirt and patches of grass.   All of a sudden, 2 minks or ferrets who are playing and chasing each other, come into my view there near my feet.  I watch them play and run off which lead my eyes to follow them as they flop around into the distance in front of me.

As I turn my head up to watch where they run away to, I am stopped in my tracks and find myself standing at a wall.  I look around it to realize I’m actually at the base of a massive tree!  I glide my eyes around its huge trunk and further up.  It was not very tall, but very wide.  It was an off white in color and its huge trunk was twisty and smooth, like a vine.  It was an unusually beautiful tree trunk.  I approach it closer.  It is so wide, I cannot see around it from where I stand, about 2 arm spans wide or more. 

Then, as I start to look up it, I see more animals.  Just sitting there on its large limbs are lions and huge birds like eagles, just sitting on its thick large branches; as if they were their personal balcony to rest one.  I do not sense that they are dangerous, but peacefully just relaxing in their spots.  I continue to look up higher, and proceed to climb up the limbs of the tree.  It was almost like going up a round staircase. 

Now up in the tree with the animals, looking down at them lying there, my view quickly fades. I find myself now inside a cylindrical structure and start to slowly walk up a dark circular stairway.  It’s not a pitch black but it was dark, as if lit up by moonlight.  I walk my way up the circular staircase and arrive into a huge room at the top. 

The entire place was completely made of wood…like being inside an ancient ship.  The room is empty I realize I am maybe inside the tree, and start poking around. The large room, from top to bottom was wooden. I see wood banisters, floors and a huge opening like a window without glass was at the far end.  Outside, it is twilight but brightly lit. It was no longer day out there but full of stars like the night sky yet bright as if the moon was right outside, illuminating the room I was in.

Then I look down and see an old wooden chest on a table of some sort, or risen on something like a table or stump.  In that wooden room that was like a pirate ship had only that one single chest.

There, in front of the chest, is what seems to me as a dainty female.  But, I cannot completely or clearly see her, but she is definitely female in stature and poise.  She looks as if she had a delicate, soft glow to her.  While facing me, and I her, she slowly opens the chest.  I stand there in anticipation as she slowly lifts something out.  Gently, she lifts up a shiny item up out of the chest.  It wasn’t jewelry, yet it was long, delicate and sparkling like diamonds.  It was beautiful and shining like tiny stars.  It draped down off of her two hands as she rises it up.  Whatever it is, it looks beautiful and radiant.  I have no clue what I am looking at…..a dress or gown?

I wake up.

A week or so later, in reading my Bible, I read through Revelation 19.  I came across the passage 19:7-8,

“Let’s rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, because the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has prepared herself.”  It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.” 

It hit me, in my dream, what I saw, was a Bride….a bride that was bringing out her bright gown and preparing herself to put it on.  Was this a sign of times to come?  A warning of Jesus coming for His church?  A reason to have discernment and Preparation?

Sept 2021 - Then, another time, as I read my Bible, I read about the fig tree.  Many times actually.  So, I look it up fig tree because I had read it a lot, and yet, when I pull it up, I see it wasn’t the tree from my dream.  At first I move on, and just figure it’s just one of those made-up things the brain does in dreams.  I brush it off, but then, I realize the other tree that was often referred to in the Bible was, the olive tree. I pause and say why not, and proceed to I look it up. 

Chills go up my spine as I stare as the picture of what an olive tree looks like.  That was the tree in my dream was an olive tree.  I never knew what they looked like…twisty and mighty…yet the one in my dream was much more elegant looking. Fascinating I thought.

Oct 2021 - Fast forward a couple weeks later, we take a trip with friends to Kentucky to visit The Ark Encounter.  That trip alone was fun, humbling and a whole blessing.  But what I saw there, besides the magnificence of the Ark itself, I will never forget.  While walking through the boat, I turn into a room where, standing tall and strong was what was called, “The Tree of Life”….I couldn’t believe my eyes, but it was that same twisty beautiful tree from my dream. (Well, a much smaller version even though it was still very large) I still had chills again and tears fill my eyes…

I am not saying I am any type of prophet, but these are just my dreams and


However, I dare say, at that moment, I knew and I believe, the time is near, the bride is getting ready for the arrival of her groom.  We Must Prepare.  How?  By putting our eyes on Him.

Trust in the Lord and turn to Him.  Jesus is the only way!



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